Friday, February 28, 2025

Chinese Finger Puzzle PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time

 I'm offering another free digital download pattern.

Chinese Finger Puzzle Quilt

What I love about this pattern is that the top is made with only a jelly roll. You need 1/2 yard for binding and 3 yards for backing.

The pattern is available for free until March 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time. To snag a copy for yourself click the following link: 

Chinese Finger Puzzle PDF Pattern 

You'll need to use the code FreePatternFingerPuzzle2025 to get the pattern for free. 

If you are reading this after March 13th at 6pm, you can still get a copy of the pattern for $4.99. It's a digital download and you will get a link to download the pattern right after placing your order.

Friday, February 21, 2025

My Favorite Binding Method :: A Video Tutorial

 I often tell my customers that there are at least 15 correct ways to do binding. I don't know if there are exactly 15 ways to bind a quilt, but there are definitely a lot of correct ways to bind a quilt. My favorite method is to sew the binding to the front of the quilt by machine and hand sew it to the back of the quilt. In this video I show you how I do this process.

As I say in the video, this is just ONE way to bind a quilt - my favorite way. If you do it differently that is just fine.

If the embedded video above does not play for you or you would just prefer to watch it on YouTube, click the following link: Lynn's Favorite Binding Method Video Demo

While you are over on my YouTube channel, if you wouldn't mind subscribing to our YouTube channel that would be nice. If you don't want to subscribe, no worries, but more subscribers tells YouTube that my videos have value, which can help my shop in other ways besides sales. Essentially, it's a free way for you to support the shop.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Proper Way to Fold your Fabric for Cutting

 Have you ever been cutting fabric strips for a project only to open them up after cutting and realize that they are slightly bent at the folds? These are called "fabric elbows". Nobody wants a fabric elbow. When you are cutting straight strips you really need them to be truly straight. 

So why does this happen? Well, it's all in how you folded the fabric before cutting it. You didn't fold it straight with the grain of the fabric before cutting. In this video I show you two methods for finding the straight grain of your fabric so that you don't get fabric elbows.

If the embedded video above does not play for you then click the following link to go to my YouTube channel and watch it there: Eliminating Fabric Elbows Demo Video

If you go to my YouTube channel to watch the video, please consider subscribing to my channel. And thank you if you do that or if you already subscribe to my channel. 

If you have watched any other recent videos I have done, would you let me know if the sound quality on this one is better or not? I have had complaints that even with the volume all the way up the sound is not loud enough. I realize that this is frustrating, but if you told me nine years ago when I opened my shop that I would need to learn how to make and edit videos I would have thought you were crazy. Yet here we are! I finally feel like I have a good camera set up - it takes three cameras to do most of my videos, but I'm still struggling with the sound quality and editing of the videos. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time

 I finished up my personal sewing project for the month!

Hexie Bag Side One Finished

Hexie Bag Side Two Finished

This is what I chose for the lining.

Hexie Bag Inside Finished

I filmed the process of actually sewing the bag and currently am offering the pattern I wrote for this bag for FREE. Click the link below and use the code FreePatternValentine2025 to get a copy for free through Thursday February 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time USA.

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern

To view the video you can watch it embedded right here or click the link below the video to go to it directly on my shop YouTube Channel. If you are so inclined, please consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel. I have lots more instructional videos planned. I hope that it will become a good resource for folks.

Basic Zipper Bag YouTube Video

I give a couple measurements in the video but not enough to actually make the bag so you will need a copy of the pattern to be able to follow along and actually make one yourself. Note that the pattern is only for the actual bag. There are no instructions for the hexagon designs or the hand quilting/embroidery work. 

If you happen to be reading this after the coupon code has expired, the pattern will still be available for $4.99. It's a PDF download so you'll get the link to download the pattern within a few minutes of placing the order.