Monday, June 6, 2011

Please Vote

I am at the point where I need to decide which is the proper orientation for my non-pattern pattern blocks piece. I still need to add a little more quilting and the binding is only attached to the front at this point.

The first one is the way I have been orienting it while working on it. However, I have learned that turning a piece can make a difference. At this point every other orientation looks wrong to me which is why I need your help. Please vote for your favorite.

orientation #1

orientation #2

orientation #3

Thank you for your opinion! I need to have this finished before Friday of this week.


Deanna said...

I like #4. No particular reason. It just appeals to me.

pegcollins said...

I like #2

Jackie said...

#1 is what i like best.

BrettB said...

I like #3. Shapes/colors flow well.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I think I like #1 best. In the others my eye is drawn to the blue and burgundy blocks and they are much alike. I like #1 because I don't notice that in it and my eye goes to the top blocks.

Anonymous said...

#1. The darker colour at the lower right helps to weight it, I think.

Jenny said...

They all look good to me...but you want a # so #3.

Mama Pea said...

I am glad you went with #3. It was my favorite. :-)