I titled my blog "Quilts, Family and More." I've enjoyed following blogs by some quilters, both famous and not. This blog will most likely contain photos of quilts I've made and ones I'm working on along with some family posts and probably some cooking and gardening topics sprinkled around.
In addition to starting a blog, I am also beginning a new teaching job on Monday at the local college. I've taught at the college/university level for several years but went to part-time and then quit completely after our son was born. It was important to my husband and I that we not put our child in daycare. Not that there is anything wrong with daycare in general, it just wasn't what we wanted for our family. It's been hard to go from two incomes to one and a half incomes then down to just one income. I have taught a few courses since we moved here but nothing I was really excited about. However, I am starting a new type of developmental mathematics course here and I am hopeful that it will be very beneficial for a specific type of student. It will never replace the traditional course, but has the potential to help a number of students successfully move to college level mathematics courses more quickly. I will be using a program called ALEKS. You've probably never heard of ALEKS, but you can google then and learn more if you are interested.
Just to see if I can do it, I'll post a picture of a quilt I made recently for Operation Kid Comfort. Google them too if you want to learn more. It's a great program for children of deployed service members.

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