Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lily is Home

My friend picked up Lily in Colorado Springs yesterday. So I did manage to get her there and back without having to drive to Colorado Springs again.

Unfortunately, she still isn't right. She does sew, but she is loud and makes a squeaking noise she didn't make before. In addition, the bulb is burned out! Thank goodness for my bendable bright light! Without that I'd be sewing in the dark.

Where did I put that Bernina flyer?


Laurie said...

sadness :( hope things work out...

Melissa ;-) said...

Oh, poor Lily!

Mama Pea said...

Hmmmm....too bad. Hope there's a silver lining in that you might get a new machine (not that Lily isn't a great machine). Poor baby (you and Lily). :-(