The parade starts with the color guard. The parade judges, the mayor, a county commissioner and the head of the hospital, sit on the grandstand with the parade MC in front of JC Penney.
The Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are next. Parker is dress as Flash and Tony is walking next to Parker.

And then the local brewery giving out samples? I didn't get one but a friend did and she said it was root beer.
What parade would be complete without square dancers?
Then kids on bicycles (remember this is a small town). But notice the quilts hanging in the store front in the background.
An old truck with campaign signs. If you are running for any kind of political office in the Valley it must be a requirement that you march in the parade because they all do.
Got to have the beauty queens.

There were several old vehicles. This is my friend Charlotte in her cute little car.
More horses.
A farming float.
The end of the parade. The fire trucks always bring up the rear. And they are loud!!
Hope you have a great July 4th where ever you live!
Sounds like you are having a fun time. I love small towns.
Thanks for sharing your parade with us. I didn't get out to any this year so I experienced it vicariously through yours! Love the quilts in the background--want more pictures of those!
Looks like a lot of fun. We missed the parade in our little town this year. We were too busy painting! :-( Next year we hope to enjoy the festivities more!
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