Sunday, August 15, 2010

Paintstiks, Part 1

On Thursday afternoon I played with my set of Paintstiks. I did several projects. This was the first one. I cut a very pale purple hand-dyed fat quarter in half.

First I taped it down to the back of a cutting mat. I wanted a smooth surface that could be easily cleaned up if the paint seeped through - it didn't. Then I taped off a grid. I used the tape as my palette.

Just rub the paint stick along the tape and pull the paint onto the fabric with stencil brushes. Here is what it looks like finished, before pulling off the tape.

And then after pulling off the tape.

I got the idea for this from the book Paintstiks on Fabric by Shelly Stokes. It has a lot of great ideas and techniques for using Paintstiks.

I like the one in the book better than mine. I think I need to blend the colors better. But this is okay for a first try. I'm sure I'll figure out a way to use this, just not the way I originally envisioned. I definitely like the grid idea. More on my other projects tomorrow.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh wow....that is just to awesome...I love how it turned out....