Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rectangles Sampler Quilt

Here is the completed Rectangles Sampler quilt.

And a picture of the back too because I always like to see the back of quilts.

My family and I will be going out of town this weekend so I may not be able or willing to post again until next week. We are going to Durango, CO for a family reunion (husband's mother's side of the family). I've only briefly met three people (not including my husband's mother who won't be attending) from this side of the family and that was over 10 years ago. So I'm not sure that it qualifies as a "reunion" for us. However, it should be fun.

At the very least, we will get a break from our bat situation. By the way, just one bat got in the house last night. We stood outside as they started coming out for the night and saw one spot along our roof where a few came out. My husband had a can of Great Stuff in the garage and he sprayed that in the hole and in all similar holes he could reach without climbing onto the roof. It was raining and I didn't want him to get up on the roof last night because the rain might make our metal roof too slick.


Barb said...

Glad you are getting rid of the bats.

Love the quilt.

Have a fun safe time.

Stephanie in Michigan said...

Your quilt turned out wonderfully! Glad you are getting the bat situation taken care of, or that you will at least get a break from it. Have a wonderful and safe trip!