I don't have any pictures to post today. I have been working. My students are suppose to work 9 hours per week on ALEKS. I check their hours on Wednesday mornings and send them an email update on their progress. At noon I meet with which ever of my students happens to show up in the computer lab for assistance. Today that was nobody, but usually I have 2 or 3.
Next semester I will most likely be teaching two classes using ALEKS. My Wednesdays will be even busier. And I may have to work another day a week too. We'll see.
My sister's quilt is still on the basting table. I got as far as winding several bobbins and threading my machine with the thread I will use for the quilting. I hope that tomorrow I will actually be able to start quilting it. However, I have chores to do tomorrow too - grocery store and laundry.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
This Mornings Work

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Farmer's Market Goodies

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tote Bags

I have not deviated from her pattern much. However, for the blue bag below we used regular cotton quilting fabric instead of home decorator fabric so I had to adjust the cutting instructions. We also used Craft-Fuse to add stiffness to the lining since regular quilting cotton fabric is not as heavy as home decorator weight fabric. I like the pattern best made with home decorator fabrics but these are more expensive and harder to find in my area. I got all my home dec. fabrics from the clearance icon at eQuilter.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Textures 1

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Applique Kitchen Towels

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Navajo Stocking Ornaments

Monday, September 21, 2009
Wedding Photo

Home Again
I've been in Nashville since Thursday for a wedding. One of my oldest friends, Liesel Wellman, got married to a really neat guy on Saturday. I had hoped to have some pictures, but didn't take my camera and haven't gotten any photos from others yet. I'll post a few when I do.
Parker and Tony did a good job keeping up with the dishes this trip and the house is in pretty good condition but cluttered with mail, newspapers and some toys. Nothing too bad, it has been worse. I've got mountains of laundry to do today though. I'll skip hanging clothes on the line today, even though the weather is nice, just to be able to get it all done today. I think my art group is meeting tomorrow so I don't want to be doing laundry tomorrow.
My job seems to be going well. I've been offered the opportunity to teach the same course again next semester. That's not a surprise since the department chair wanted to give it a year to see how it works. The surprise is that he has asked if I would be willing to offer another class using ALEKS too. I need to think about that. It would be so nice to have the extra income, but I need to consider how it will affect our family, if at all. After getting home at 10 pm last night, I am in no condition to be making that decision today though. But I am giving it some serious thought.
Parker and Tony did a good job keeping up with the dishes this trip and the house is in pretty good condition but cluttered with mail, newspapers and some toys. Nothing too bad, it has been worse. I've got mountains of laundry to do today though. I'll skip hanging clothes on the line today, even though the weather is nice, just to be able to get it all done today. I think my art group is meeting tomorrow so I don't want to be doing laundry tomorrow.
My job seems to be going well. I've been offered the opportunity to teach the same course again next semester. That's not a surprise since the department chair wanted to give it a year to see how it works. The surprise is that he has asked if I would be willing to offer another class using ALEKS too. I need to think about that. It would be so nice to have the extra income, but I need to consider how it will affect our family, if at all. After getting home at 10 pm last night, I am in no condition to be making that decision today though. But I am giving it some serious thought.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Engine 169

Yesterday afternoon the train at the south end of Cole Park in town was open for visitors. We have lived here 5 years and have always been interested in looking at the train up close. Parker had a blast! He got to climb all over the train. He brought a rag because the train looked dirty so he spent about 45 minutes climbing on the train and cleaning it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Still Playing

I'm still playing with my little handwork experiment. A friend lent me a sashiko book so I did two of those designs and two of my own. Mine are the two upper right "messy" ones. I have learned that I prefer the look of the more orderly sashiko stitching, but I don't like marking. So I like to do the "messier," no mark designs better. * sigh* The top fabric is probably going to be the binding.

I have Grandma's button tin out auditioning buttons as possible embellishments for this piece. I don't know how much time I'll have to play today since I am leaving on Thursday for the weekend. Going to be a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding in Nashville, TN. Got to go to the post office, Wal-mart and maybe Safeway too. Tomorrow is another early release day for Parker and I have to work so I've got to do my errands today.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Good-bye Old Friend

Geometry in a Box

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Play Time
I purchased a charm on a recent trip with the intention of making a pin for a friend. I started by cutting two 7 1/2" squares of fabric and a square of batting. I put them together with spray baste, sandwiching the batting in between the two fabrics. Then I just stitched all over it with various colors of thread. I used variegated thread, metallic thread and polyester thread. I used free-motion stitching and some of the stitches from my machine. Although you can't tell from the picture, I even threaded orange polyester and silver metallic through the same needle and sewed using a pre-programed machine stitch. Here's what it looked like at this point.
Then I added some lime green fun fur (or eyelash yarn). I just laid it down and zig-zag stitched over the top.
Then I divided my big square up into a grid of one inch squares. I sewed along my grid lines and cut it apart. Well, actually I just cut off one end and picked a one inch square from that strip. Then I satin stitched around the edges with lime green thread, sewed the charm on the front and then sewed a pin to the back. Voila!
I've seen this idea called an "inchie." There are probably lots of ways of making inchies and people use them to make jewelry, ornaments, art quilts and more.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Quilts of Valor

An Idea and Silhowitches
I was reading someone's blog yesterday and they mentioned an interesting idea. A friend of theirs started blogging several years ago. After the first year she had all her blog entries printed out and bound into a book. I think she has done that every year since. Something to keep in mind for later.
This is what I have been working on lately. Last night I finished the binding. It may be done, but then again, it may need some embellishing. It's going to hang on my design wall for a few days until we decide. Then it will go to a friend's house to live. The center is just a panel. I made the pieced border from the companion fabrics.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Button Flowers

I haven't been able to do much sewing recently. My job is getting in the way - such is life.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hamburger Buns

I've been baking all the bread my family consumes for almost two years now. We buy hamburger buns and hotdog buns though ... until now. Last Friday I decided to try making hamburger buns. I just used my regular whole wheat sandwich bread recipe in my bread machine, on the dough cycle. Instead of putting the dough in loaf pans, I made buns. I let them rise a little longer than I do for loaves, then brushed them with egg and sprinkled sesame seeds on top before baking. They turned out great! I made nine buns because I had nine hamburger patties in the freezer - you can't buy nine buns in a package.
Now I just need to figure out how to do hotdog buns.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Mom, I'm skateboarding!

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Lazy Saturday
Friday, September 4, 2009
Parker's Quilt

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Play Time

I need some hand work because I am mad at our school district. For the past two years the district has been doing an early release or late start for the children on the first Wednesday of each month so that the teachers can do their PLCs (professional learning community). They are doing them again this year, doing an early release. In the past this has meant the children are in school 2 hours less on these days, so for early release they should get out at 1 pm. However, this year it is going to be 3 hours, so the children get out at noon. The reason I am angry is that the notice that early release was going to be 3 hours early instead of 2 came home yesterday afternoon. That is not even 24 hours notice! I arranged my work schedule so that Parker would be in school while I am at work so I wouldn't need to arrange child care. I am not making enough to make it worth my while to work if I have to pay for child care. But yesterday I found out that on early release Wednesdays he will get out of school at the same time my class starts!!!! And my husband also has a class at noon on Wednesdays. I have made alternate arrangements with a friend for today but I am going to have to change my class schedule for the rest of the semester. I do not understand why the school district does not feel it is necessary to inform parents of these decisions when they are made. They could have easily let everyone know about this in early August at registration. But no ... they wait until the day before to send home a note that many parents may not even get.
So I was stitching this morning thinking about how best to channel my anger towards positive change. Unfortunately, this is not the first time in the 2+ years Parker has been in the district that parents have received short notice of major events. Don't get me started!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Four Tree

In August we visited friends who live in Eugene, OR. While there we hiked up Spencer's Butte. Off the side of the trail I spied this strange tree. This is one tree. The only thing I did to the image was resize it for posting. There may be a quilt in this picture some where. Here it is from another angle.

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