Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Potato Chip Blocks Variation 2 is Closer to Done

 I'm getting closer to finishing up my potato chip quilt.

Quilted Potato Chip variation 2 quilt

I got it quilted this weekend. Next step is binding. I have some scrappy binding and I plan to use it for this scrappy quilt.

Check out the backing fabric I used. I found this in my stash.

Backing fabric
closeup of backing fabric

Monday, July 1, 2024

Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Putting the Blocks Together

 I used sashing and corner stones to complete my quilt top using the 12 blocks that I made. If you made 12 blocks and you want to finish your blocks the way I did, the directions are below.

You will need (31) 2" by 12.5" for the sashing and (20) 2" by 2" squares of scraps for the corner stones. If you used the larger 2.5" by 4.5" potato chip pieces, then you need (31) 2.5" by 16.5" rectangles for the sashing and (20) 2.5" by 2.5" squares of scraps for the corner stones.

Using the (20) squares of scraps and (15) of the sashing rectangles, make 5 strips for the horizontal sashing. Each row needs to start and end with a square and have three sashing rectangles in between the squares. See the photo below for what you need to make.

horizontal rows of sashing

Next you are going to add the remaining (16) sashing rectangles in between the blocks. You'll need to make four rows of three blocks with sashing rectangles in between the blocks and on both ends. See the photo below for a sample of what you need to make.

a sample of the block rows

Note that the photo above only shows two rows but you need to make four rows. I alternated the orientation of the blocks but honestly, it really doesn't matter.

And here is my finished top!

my completed potato chip block variation 2 quilt top

If you missed the block instructions click the following link for those: Potato Chip Block (variation 2) instructions

If you missed the contest info click the following link: How to enter the blocks you made in the drawing

Note that the deadline for entry is Friday, July 5, 2024 at midnight.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Contest Info

 Now is the time to enter. Unless you are local and can bring your blocks into the shop, you need to take ONE photo of your blocks similar to what I did below. I made 12 blocks, but your photo should include all of the blocks you made. And one block is totally fine, it counts!

example of how to photograph your blocks

You can enter the contest in any of the following ways, but please only do ONE:

(1) If you are local, you don't need to take a photo. You can just bring all of your blocks into the shop. We'll count them and make a note of your name and the number blocks on our contest list.

(2) Email your photo to AlamosaQuiltCompany@gmail.com. Use the Subject line: Potato Chip Block Contest. Please include your name and a phone number in your message so we can contact you if your name is drawn. If you would prefer to be texted instead of called, let me know.

(3) Text your photo to (719) 480-8483. This is the shop's texting only number. If you call the number no one will answer. Please include your name in the text message so we can put your name in our drawing the appropriate number of times.

(4) Send your photo via Facebook Messenger to the shop. Click the link to go to our Facebook page and you can message the shop from there: Alamosa Quilt Company Facebook Page. Please include your phone number in your message so we can call you if your name is drawn. If you prefer to be texted instead of called, just let me know.

You don't need to provide a mailing address yet. If your name is drawn I will contact you and we can work out those details at that time.

The deadline for entry in the contest is midnight on Friday, July 5, 2024. On Saturday, July 6, 2024 I will make up the scrap bag, draw a name and contact the winner. If I get a lot of entries then I might draw more than one name. I definitely have enough of scraps to make up several prize bags!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: My Blocks are Done!

 Things have settled down a bit for the moment with the POS switch. As with so many things, there is a lot of "hurry up and wait" with this. Since I didn't have to focus so much on the POS project last week I was able to get my blocks done.

12 Completed Potato Chip Blocks, variation 2

This week I will try to do the sashing I have planned and write up the instructions for that so that you can finish yours just like mine if you want to. If you don't, it won't hurt my feelings at all. It's YOUR quilt and you should feel free to finish it anyway you like.

Get busy making your blocks. The deadline for having them done in time to enter my contest is fast approaching. On Friday of this week, specifically June 28, 2024, I will release the instructions for how to enter the contest and you will have several days to enter. The prize is a big bag of scraps from my shop. We don't save tiny pieces. Most scrap pieces are 3" by 9" or larger. I will be making up this bag specifically for the winner and won't put anything smaller than 3" by 9" in the bag. I will fill a 10" by 13" ziplock bag as full as I can and still zip it shut, which will hold quite a lot (about 4-5 yards).

Again, anyone anywhere is welcome to enter and there is no purchase of anything required. If you live in the US and your name is drawn then I will mail you a bag of scraps for free or if you are local you can just come pick it up. If you live outside the US, I will email you a PDF copy of a pattern. You will get one entry for every block you have made. So you need to take a photo similar to what I did. I need to be able to clearly see how many blocks you have made in the photo. And I only want ONE photo, so all of your blocks need to be neatly laid out in ONE photo.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Update :: A Bit of a Delay

 I'm having to change my point of sale system I use in my shop - not because I want to, I have to. I really love the system I am using, but it's being phased out so I have to switch. I've known this for some time, but recently there have been other factors that have forced me to make this switch immediately as opposed to at the end of the summer, like I planned. 

It's kind of like when you are forced to buy a new sewing machine, not because you want a new one but because your old one died. It's always harder to bond with something when you are still in love with your old one. It's the same for me with this. It's stressful and time consuming. So I'm a bit behind with this sew along. I don't multi-task well and I really need to focus on this business related task rather than doing something more fun like sewing.

The good news is you are going to have a bit more time to work on your blocks before I get time to post instructions for how you can share your blocks for entry in the prize drawing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Potato Chip Block (variation 2) Sew Along Progress

 How are doing with your Potato Chip variation 2 blocks? I have four blocks completed and the other eight are in progress.

four completed blocks

Eight partial blocks

If you missed the instructions for these fun blocks, click the following link for them: Potato Chip Block Variation 2 Instructions

Monday, June 10, 2024

Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Making the Blocks

This post contains all of the directions for making ONE Potato Chip Block (Variation 2). The instructions to make the original Potato Chip Block can be found by clicking the following link: Original Potato Chip Block

I cut scraps for most of this quilt. All of the "chip" pieces are scraps. I did use a single fabric as my accent fabric, but you could just pick a color and use a variety of fabrics of the same color. If you want to use the same fabric for the accent as I did, you'll need 1 to 1 1/2 yards of it depending on the size of chips you use and whether or not you add sashing between your blocks.

Finished size of one block is 12" by 12" (12.5" by 12.5" unfinished)

What you need for ONE block:

(30) 2" by 3.5" rectangles (chips) from scrap fabrics 

(12) 2" by 2" squares and (1) 3.5" by 3.5" square from a single fabric (I'm using a white on white)

{Note: You can also use (30) 2.5" by 4.5" chips from scraps and (12) 2.5" by 2.5" and (1) 4.5" by 4.5". If you use the larger size chips then your blocks will finish at 16" by 16".}

Image of pieces needed for one block

Draw a diagonal line on the back of all twelve of your 2" squares {or 2.5" squares}.

Step 1 image

Pick 12 chip pieces. We are going to do the stitch and flip method to add these 2" squares {2.5" squares} to your chip pieces. Be sure to look closely at the photo below so that you sew them on correctly. Half of them have the diagonal line running one direction, the other half have the diagonal line running the other direction. This is important! 

step 2 image

These units are not symmetric so you can't just flip it over and have it be correct. Sew directly on the drawn line. Then cut off the excess 1/4" away from the sewn line.

step 3 image

Press the seam. I just flipped the little white triangle over and pressed toward the white triangle. You can press the other way or press your seam open.

step 4 image

Using just four of these, two of each kind, sew them together in pairs along the short side like in the photo below.

step 5 image

Sew one chip piece to opposite sides of the 3.5" square {or 4.5" square}. Press away from the center or toward the center, whichever way makes most sense to you. Throughout, I pressed everything away from the center.

step 6 image

Now take the paired pieces and add them to the top and bottom of the center unit.

step 7 image

Using four chip pieces, sew them together in pairs along the short side.

step 8 image

Now add these units to the block using the image below as a guide.

step 9 image

step 10 image

Next you need four of the chips with added accent triangles, two each of both kinds, and two chip pieces. Notice the white arrows along the left hand side of the image below. These are pointing to what you need to make.

step 11 image

Then sew these to the block and it will look like the image below.

step 12 image

Now you need 6 chip pieces. Sew them together in a row of three along the short sides. In the image below the white arrows along the top are pointing to what you are making.

step 13 image

Then sew these to the sides of the block. It should look like the block in the image below.

step 14 image

Almost done! You should have four chip pieces with the attached accent triangle left, two of each kind. Sew a chip piece to each along the short side without the accent triangle. Then sew these together along the short side of the chip pieces making sure that you have one of each kind of accent triangle on the ends. White arrows along the left hand side are pointing to the units you are making in the image below.

step 15 image

Attach them to the center and the block is done.

one completed block

Again, if you use 2" by 3.5" chip pieces like me, your blocks should measure 12.5" by 12.5" at this point. When the quilt is done they will measure 12" by 12". If you are using 2.5" by 4.5" chip pieces, your block should measure 16.5" by 16.5" at this point and will measure 16" by 16" when the quilt is done.

I am making 12 blocks. I'm going to give you a week to get as many blocks as you want to make done before giving you the finishing instructions. I will be adding sashing and corner stones to my blocks. 

As incentive for you to get some blocks made, at some point next Monday I will post a photo of the blocks I have completed. Hopefully it will be 12 blocks, but I might not get that far. In that post will be instructions as to how you can let me know how many blocks you have completed and a deadline for when you need to have done that. You will need to show me a photo of your completed blocks or bring them into the shop by the deadline. Don't worry, you'll have a couple days to do this.

Every completed block you make will get you one entry in the prize drawing. Depending on how many people participate I might draw more than one name. The prize will be a bag of scraps. Don't worry, there will be no tiny pieces. Scraps from my shop are no smaller than 2" with most being 3" or larger. These are leftovers from shop samples and end of bolt pieces that are smaller than 18". This is only for folks in the US. 

If you are not in the US you can still participate, but the prize will be a PDF pattern that I can just email to you as shipping is prohibitive for mailing scraps outside the country. If you win a bag of scraps, and live in the US, I will pay to ship them to you if you aren't local. If you are local, then you can just come pick it up at the shop.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Another Sew Along is in the Works

 I started cutting more potato chip pieces (2" by 3 1/2" pieces) in April and told my Facebook Sew Along Group (Alamosa Quilt Company Sew Along Group) that I was going to do another sew along with these in May. Well, May is almost over. I got sidetracked with "business stuff" that required my immediate attention. Then I was trying to do too much at once with this project. I have several different variations planned that I want to share with you. I was trying to do that all at once, but I think one at a time will work better for me, and you too probably. So my plan is to release one variation every few weeks, until I've exhausted my ever growing list of variations of this fun block.

Potato Chip units cut and ready for sewing

So, the first variation of the potato chip block will be released on Monday, June 10, 2024. I'm going to release the instructions right here and post a link to my blog in the Sew Along Group on Facebook. If you are a blog follower then you are already in the right place for the Sew Along information.

You will need (30) 2" by 3 1/2" rectangles (these are the potato chips) and then you need (12) 2" squares and (1) 3 1/2" square of a single fabric per block. I am planning to make 12 of these blocks for my quilt. If I don't add sashing or borders then the quilt will finish at 36" by 48". I am using a white fabric, but black is also a good choice. Really anything will work, as long as you stick with the same fabric. The blocks for this size chip will finish at 12".

If you use the larger size chips (2 1/2" by 4 1/2") then you need (12) 2 1/2" squares and (1) 4 1/2" square per block. You'll still need (30) 2 1/2" by 4 1/2" chips per block. The blocks for this size chip will finish at 16".

Monday, May 27, 2024

A New Half Pack Pattern

 The ladies from Sassy Sunflower release a new Half Pack Pattern every year. The new pattern for this year is called Miles of Tiles.

Miles of Tiles Half Pack pattern using Stallion Half Pack

This one finishes at 50" by 64". Like all of the half pack patterns, it's easy and uses pretty much every bit of the half pack kit.

You can view ten of the half pack patterns by clicking this link: Half Pack Quilt Gallery

And you can view all of the half pack kits I offer in my shop by clicking this link: Half Pack Kits

If you decide to order a Half Pack Kit, you do need to let me know which pattern you want with your kit. If you don't, I'll send you the one I used for the shop sample or just one that I think will be good for that kit.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Adorable Cowgirl Fabric and BlowOut Event Recap

 First, I just have to share this adorable new fabric that arrived in my shop last week.

Hey Cowgirl Fabrics

The collection is called Hey CowgirlIt's got a little bit of a retro vibe to it and plenty of pink, coral and turquoise for that "girlie" cowgirl in your life. We've got several patterns in stock that would really show off these fabrics - quilts and bags.

I'm planning to make a Tourist Tote using the border print as the main fabric for the outside of the bag. I might use one of our new cork fabrics or faux leather fabrics for the bottom, but the Boots on Turquoise or the Cowgirl Postcards would also be adorable for the bottom of the bag. Either of the lighter background ones in the photo above, Hats or Horseshoes, would be perfect for the inside of the bag.

May BlowOut Event Recap

bolts emptied during the BlowOut Event

In the photo above are the 49 bolts that were emptied during our recent May Online BlowOut Event. Most of those fabrics were $4.99 per yard! This has been a very successful event for my shop. The next one will be in August 2024.

Monday, May 13, 2024

May Online BlowOut Event

  My shop is participating again in the FabShop Online BlowOut event. The sale lasts all week long.

May online blowout event logo

Everything is loaded in my online clearance section and ready for you. Lots of great fabrics are listed at prices as low as $4.99 per yard, which is more than 50% off. The usual clearance price for fabric is $9 per yard and the prices will go back up to $9 per yard at the end of this week. 

The clearance section has lots of great batiks, some Christmas fabrics, some Autumn fabrics, some great basics and blenders, and a few novelty prints. I also have panels at 50% off. There are also some patterns, books, kits, pre-cuts and notions in the clearance section.

If you like to check it out, click the following link: Alamosa Quilt Company Online BlowOut Event

If you are local you can select in-store pick up and not have to pay for shipping. If you aren't local, you can get free shipping by spending $125 or more. And all online orders come with a free gift or two, even if all you buy is clearance stuff.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Some Personal Sewing

 I don't get much time for personal sewing these days. As a shop owner, most of my sewing time is spent on store samples and class samples. One of my nieces is getting married soon and she asked me to make some little duffle bags for her to give to her bridesmaids. So all last week, in between my regular shop duties, I made 7 duffle bags for her.

seven duffle bags top view

seven duffle bags side view

I used fabrics from my stash so all of the fabrics I used are older, discontinued fabrics. For the zippers, I used a package of By Annie's zipper by the yard. I picked white with multi-colored pulls so that I could make each one slightly different. All of the pulls are different colors and while the outsides of several are the same, the inside is different so all bags are unique.

Inside view of one bag

The pattern I used is also an older pattern, A Little Duffle Do It. The pattern is very similar to a currently available pattern, Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches. The older pattern calls for binding on all 6 of the inside seams, which I really like. The Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches just has you pink the seams instead. Towards the end I was really wishing I had just pinked the seam allowances as the binding took the longest for this project. But they are done now and on their way to my niece!

These are really fun little bags to make! The thing I really like about the Chunky Wee Zippy Pouches is that in addition to the three sizes of finished bag included in the pattern, the pattern writer also gives you fill in the blank "formulas" so that you make whatever size bag you want. You start by filling in the blanks with the finished size you want to end up with, then follow the directions to work your way back to what size you need to cut your fabrics.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Wildlife Trail Shop Sample

 This is the shop sample and kit I designed using the new Wildlife Trail fabrics my shop received recently.

Wildlife Trail Quilt Kit

The pattern was written by me specifically for this collection so it's only available in the kits. The quilt finishes at 60" by 76" (twin size). The kits are already listed in my online shop.

I didn't get the entire collection but got one color way of the fabrics, pre-cuts (2 1/2" strips and 10" squares) and the panel.

Wildlife Trail fabrics and pre-cuts

Wildlife Trail panel

Click here to view the kits and fabrics

I can also make a few queen size kits. The queen size version would have 20 blocks (4 by 5) instead of just the 12 blocks in the twin size version. Queen kits are only available by contacting the shop directly as I only have a little of the fabrics left. Stop by in person, give me a call 719-937-2555, or send me a text (719) 480-8483, if you are interested in a queen size kit.
Twin size kit is $99.99 and includes the pattern plus all of the fabrics required to piece the top and the binding. Queen size kit is $169.99 and includes the pattern plus all of the fabrics required to piece the top and the binding.