Some photos of my scouts taken October 1st before their weekly den meeting. Parker is a Wolf this year, his second year in scouts. They are in the midst of the yearly popcorn sales event. Last year Parker did well, but didn't sell very much. It was his first year in scouts. By the time he got the forms the sale had been going on for about two weeks. Most folks we knew had already purchased from another scout. This year they started selling the very first day of the sale. So far he has filled up two order sheets (25 sales) and started on a third. As with most fund raisers like this, there are prizes given for sales and each level has nicer prizes. Parker set his sites on a telescope at the $1100 level. I didn't think he would even get close to that amount in sales, but he is currently at $965 with a week left to sell. He has worked very hard, selling almost every afternoon after school. I hope he makes it.
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