Thursday, March 22, 2018

About Time to Use This One!

How old is the oldest fabric in your stash? I mean yardage, not scraps. I didn't sort through my entire stash but I pulled this one out to use it for a project recently and noticed that it is from 1997!

And I had three yards of it! I only used about 1/2 yard for the project I was working on so I still have about 2 1/2 yards of this. Sheesh! I wonder what I bought this for?

I didn't start sewing until about 1995 so this must have been purchased early in my sewing life. I have no idea what I got this for but I think it is certainly safe to go ahead and use it. Not sure what I will do with the rest.


Susan said...

I love Moda marbles. If you can't find a use for it, you can send it to me :-)

Gene Black said...

I have fabric older than that- I am not sure of the year, but it was inherited when a friend moved and she had saved it for years.
I had to check - one is 1992 and may not be the oldest, but I just used some for binding on the last quilt I finished. Another is from 1995.
There is also a lovely one from Hoffman fabrics -but it doesn't have a date on it.