Monday, February 3, 2025

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time

 I finished up my personal sewing project for the month!

Hexie Bag Side One Finished

Hexie Bag Side Two Finished

This is what I chose for the lining.

Hexie Bag Inside Finished

I filmed the process of actually sewing the bag and currently am offering the pattern I wrote for this bag for FREE. Click the link below and use the code FreePatternValentine2025 to get a copy for free through Thursday February 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time USA.

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern

To view the video you can watch it embedded right here or click the link below the video to go to it directly on my shop YouTube Channel. If you are so inclined, please consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel. I have lots more instructional videos planned. I hope that it will become a good resource for folks.

Basic Zipper Bag YouTube Video

I give a couple measurements in the video but not enough to actually make the bag so you will need a copy of the pattern to be able to follow along and actually make one yourself. Note that the pattern is only for the actual bag. There are no instructions for the hexagon designs or the hand quilting/embroidery work. 

If you happen to be reading this after the coupon code has expired, the pattern will still be available for $4.99. It's a PDF download so you'll get the link to download the pattern within a few minutes of placing the order.


scrappy101 said...

Thank you
Enjoy reading your blog

Denise in PA said...

Hi Lynn, thank you so much offering this bag pattern! I downloaded the pattern and am looking forward to watching your video (and of course subscribed to your channel).