Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quilting Issues

I'm having trouble getting my Noodle Surprise quilt quilted.

Every time I turned around Goldie is sleeping on it! She just loves this quilt for some reason. I had a terrible time getting it basted because she kept getting on it. I got a squirt bottle and soaked her with water, but she persisted in her attempts to "admire" the quilt. I finally had to just put her out to be able to finish.

Now that I am trying to quilt it she is continuing to hinder my progress. I was quilting last week when the phone rang. When I came back she had seized the opportunity again!

*SIGH* It's hard to be mad at that face and she knows it!


Mama Pea said...

That is too cute. Maybe instead of a charity quilt, you should gift this one to Goldie!

These new blogger code words...I can hardly read them. It takes me like three tries to get it right!

Denise in PA said...

So funny! Good thing Lilly can't jump that high, or I know she'd be snuggling on my in-process quilts!

Fran said...

Hope she keeps her tail tucked in away from the needle!

Jeanne said...

She looks like a quilting cat to me!

Anne D said...

I think you might have to give the quilt to the cat.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Ah, she is so precious. I'm missing my cat and love looking at yours. Wish I had her bugging me when I quilt!

Dee said...

I feel your pain! I have the exact same problem. When I know I really need to get something done, I sneak up to my sewing room and shut the door. However, most of the time it's nice to have their company.

ladibug said...

I have one cat who like bright quilts too! but if I am working on a dull quilt (browns) she walks all the way around it like it is going to get her.. and they say they cam't see color... Haw!

Anonymous said...

My cats do the same thing. I am a beginning quilter so hoping I will learn tricks from you.

I’m a follower.


Jen said...

Ha! That is too funny. My cats sleep on the part that puddles on the floor, but never on the desk. That's is too cute :)

quilthexle said...

Oh yes - our cats love to do that, too. Moving around a quilt with the additional weight is so NOT fun ... but of course, one can't be a mad at those sweet faces !!

Linda said...

That's so cute!!! Cats are quilters I've decided. Scooter can't get enough. I just had to keep him away from the studio for a while cuz a client is highly allergic. OMG he cried every day like someone was killing him!!

Sandy H said...

Too funny!