Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Since my boys are gone for the weekend, I am participating Pat Sloan's New Year's Eve UFO Luau. Click here to read about today's happenings. The UFO I am working on is my Funky Santa quilt. Here it is December 2009 hanging in the dining room just basted together, pins and all.

I began quilting it yesterday but didn't make that much progress on it. I really liked the Ocean Current pattern I did on the border of Hawaiian Hug, so I am using it again on Funky Santa.

Yesterday I cleaned a few areas in my sewing room, although it is hard to tell that today. My cutting table already has more piles of stuff on it. It was clean for about 2 hours! LOL! I also finished the binding, sleeve and label on the Nine Patch Strata.

So I did finish something yesterday which feels good.


Barb said...

I just love your Christmas quilt and the way you are quilting it.

You are bringing in this New Year with a bang into those UFO's.

Mama Pea said...

Love both of these quilts. I have some Christmas stuff that's about 2 years old now and still unfinished. So, you're doing well. Great job, Lynn!!!